Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Desgin - 2 - Simplify

Having a design that's too complex or too simple can really ruin a design. In my design for Osaka Tourism I've decided to simplify the castle in my logo to be a silhouette only instead of a detailed piece using the same color scheme as the real castle. this is to save myself time, and the frustration of having a really wacky color scheme that would go with the colors of Osaka Castle itself. The colors of the castle are green, white and gold which would be very difficult to put together into a working color scheme for the letterhead itself. Keeping the castle as a silhouette and then adding a red sun behind it (to symbolize  Osaka being part of Japan,) it provided a simple and good looking color scheme.

In the realm of simplification I've looked around the college campus and noticed posters that were either too simple or had too many graphical elements jamming up the flow of the overall piece. Some pieces were so simple that they didn't actually get the parody across that they were trying to throw back to; A different piece that was about the Fall Festival had a very nice background of leaves and a illustrator deer with an offset in black, but they overcomplicated the design by making some of the letters in the title "Fall Fest" look like they were made out of leaves putting a huge dent in the readability.

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