Thursday, August 30, 2012

Typography - 2 - Unexcpected inspirtation

It's weird how things can inspire you in ways that don't really seem like they should have. After figuring out I was going to do two gears, on a solid object the other made of the text naming the bands and other information; I needed to look up a reference of gears because, let's face it I can't draw them very well at all.

That's when I stumbled upon this

It was not only a great reference for understanding the shape and how gears interact, but it also gave me a color scheme that was simple, had good contrast, and wouldn't be costly to use at all. I've decided that the solid object gear in my design is going to be a metallic gray, while the gear make up of the band names, and other concert information is going to be a dark blood red. Big thanks to Willie for suggesting that I make the red darker. With a white background these colors will pop out drawing attention not only to the piece, but the crucial information.

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