Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Design - 10 - Business Card Culture 2

I'm going to follow up to my Business Card Culture post quickly. In Japan when a business card is presented to the other party you are to take it holding onto the corners so that you are not covering up information. So in my business card I may want to incorporate larger margins than usual to make the card appropriate to both audiences.

On the flip side- wow that's an old saying- American business cards have a harmony between graphics and the information on the card, where Japanese cards are more information heavy. I'll have to lean more towards the US approach for it to be more appropriate for both, considering only some JP business cards are too text heavy.

Then to satisfy both I'm going to try the japanese style of having one side be all in Kanji while the opposing side is in English. I think this could be a unique spin that will make my business card stand out among the rest, even though it'll call for a little extra work.

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