Wednesday, March 13, 2013

web -9-

Carroll Community's web site is one that i have to look at on a regular basis, but not of my own free will. Every page is very heavy on content and leaves one feeling a bit lost when searching for something specific. First of all I'm really unsure of the color scheme. The school's colors if there are any aren't very clear and leave the connection to the school up in the air. The space between the navigation and the header is a bit too much which only adds to the vertical content stretching. The quick links are a nice feature but honestly they're an enabler for this design. These could be corrected with a navigation drop down menu for Degree Students, and Continuing Education Students. The search bar could also be moved up into the header area then freeing up a space for the picture to become a panorama making the changing flash images more appealing. Once this is done the body area could be split into a larger left and a smaller right. The left would contain the updates that are currently plastered in the center of the page, and the right could contain all of the links to e2campus, the social pages, calendar, ect ,ect. This would give the website a little bit more flow while still keeping true to the current feeling that the website gives. The other option is to totally scrap it and start over with a new layout.

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