Wednesday, March 13, 2013

web -11- Microsoft

This is another website that is guilty of the overkill on the vertical scrolling. I only captured 1/4 of the website in this screen shot and that's just the changing pictures under the navigation. It is nice however that on a smaller display when you scroll down to the next area the height of each body area is tall enough to take the entire screen so you're scrolls are all even. I can't fathom however how the discover menu seemed like a good idea. This could be a simple drop down like the rest at the top of the website! You do not need to add these stupid, ugly, unnecessary mens on the side of your body areas for more links that could easily fit well with the rest of the content at the top of the website. Then underneath of that do you know what there is?


Why do you need these in the bottom of the body area that nobody will probably even scroll down and see? It's the same information that's in the navigation bar at the very top and leads to the same place! Are you just assuming that everyone who uses your operating system is an idiot? Not every computer user is your mother or grandmother anymore and there are tons of competent users that go to your website so don't make it a "website for dummies" deal.

Stop doing to your website what you're doing to your operating system because it was a bad idea the first time it's a worse idea now.

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