Wednesday, March 13, 2013

web -10-

When I decided to put McDaniel College in my list of websites to critique I was unaware that they had changed their old tired website into something a bit more modern. The changes in the header and navigation areas are much more refreshing compared to the old tired navigation bars going horizontally and vertically just to contain all of the links to the many nooks and crannies of the site. The main area is interesting though. The first thing that I thought when I saw this style is "Oh my god they're doing the windows 8 thing." After taking some time from this initial shock I have to say that it's still much better than what the site originally was and is a very interesting way to organize the content. My only complaints are that the content starts out in the middle and yo do have to scroll to the left to see that there is information there too. You do see the flash area scroll to the right when the website loads, but if there were some way to just keep it on the far left to start it would make an even bigger impact. The footer area also doesn't display on a monitor of  1366x768 which is really surprising because that is a bit above the average  display vertically but the same horizontally. This means that the website was created without consideration for all of the students that would be viewing them through a laptop screen's resolution. It's a really poor choice on their part because it caters to those who have a really nice desktop display, but alienates everyone who uses a laptop.

Despite all of this it's still better than the old one.

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