Sunday, March 17, 2013

Web -20-

Welcome to the home page for the government of the state of Mary- OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO MY FACE.

This is what you're greeted with when you enter the website for the state of Maryland. I had to zoom out to 75% just to comfortably browse the site. Everything looks like a jumbled mess and I'm not sure why because I don't remember it being like this the last time I looked at the page. The navigation is under a huge content block that doesn't warrant it's own space like that or at least not a space that large. If the picture was a bit thinner and didn't stretch across the entire page it would be more of a focal point rather than making it look like the page broke, and trust me I refreshed to make sure this wasn't some horrible browser error.

I really like the opaque header which is why I thought this was going to be a nice one to do, but the rest of the website is mangled. Do the rest of the content background as a solid color, bring in a bit more white and yellow to tie into the colors of the Maryland flag and for the love of all internet users make your website size appropriate for those who don't suffer from vision impairment.

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