Sunday, March 17, 2013

Web -14- Google

Yes this post is going to be about the big dog itself, Google. Google has been the top search engine in the world for quite a long time now and their clean website design may be part of the reason why.  The thin black bar at the top of the website adds a bit of weight to the top breaking the rule of having heavier on the bottom, but somehow pulls it off like artists who break design rules to make a point of their creations. Today is Saint Patrick's Day so the familiar logo in the center has been replaced with Irish dancers. The changing logo for different holidays and occasions has become a staple of the website for over ten years now. Recently with microphones being built into laptops the option to speak what you wish to search for was integrated into the website. Not something that is often used but does help out the mobile users a bit more or those who do not type at a faster rate. Google has changed a lot over the years but only in slight increments keeping true to it's original roots but changing to fit in better with contemporary design.

All of the white feels like purgatory though. maybe the homepage could use a bit more, but the other pages are jam packed with content.

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