Monday, October 7, 2013

Digital Video - 18 - A fly on the wall in Cupertino

Microsoft released this anti Apple ad around the announcement of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. This is one of the worst videos I've seen. I'd rather spend my entire day watching YouTube poop than watching this again. It's hard to believe that a reputable company actually produced something like this. 

There's only one angle, the continuity is bad because they keep changing clothes even if it's for a gag, the acting is bland, and Microsoft should have learned from the Mac vs PC videos that attack based ads only make the attacking company look scummy and low. 

I didn't even think that I could think less of Microsoft at the moment but somehow between the Xbox One, Windows 8, and Nokia Lumia 1020 they managed to put this piece of shit together and make me feel like they should just give up and rebrand because the reputation they've gotten in the past year has just been awful. 

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