Monday, October 7, 2013

Digital Video - 17 - Tribe Twelve

Tribe Twelve is another Slender man focused series but it follows the story of Noah Maxwell (portrayed by series creator Adam Rosner) after the death of his cousin he puts up footage of his cousin Milo's last visit to see him and discovered that something paranormal was happening. He then goes around to find out what happened to Milo but is caught up by an organization centered around Slender Man and even a cult that worships him. Noah soon learns that Slender Man's influence over his family predates his own birth and seeks out Milo's missing mother and anyone that can help him overcome The Collective who seem to act outside of the laws of the universe and time itself. 
Adam's series is very similar to Marble Hornets but his focus is on more sudden flowing cuts to show sudden change in location and circumstances to evoke the same feeling of confusing and frustration that his character portrays. There is also a lot more distortion and editing and it falls much more into the horror genre than the others series of the same subject manner do. 

In addition to the hand held shots there are a lot of tripod shots of "Noah" talking to his camera to break up the first person feel a bit as if he's addressing people to help him out. 

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