Monday, October 7, 2013

Digital Video - 16 - Marble Hornets

Marble Hornets is easily one of my favorite video projects on youtube following the slender man mythos. The protagonist Jay goes around with his camera piecing together the tall being that followed his friend Alex during the filming of their college film Marble Hornets. Jay then finds himself dealing with something more supernatural and the threat of many masked figures following him and pushing him along the path to finding out what happened. 

I chose Entry #52 because it is the longest entry and has the most diverse amount of footage. It is shot hand held in a Blair Witch style but unlike Blair Witch this is actually good. There are many jump scares in the series and there are episodes that are very tame and just add to the plot without being too gimmicky. 

With a being like slenderman the creator can go into a lot of distortion and other edits to make things scary but Troy Wager (actor of Jay and editor/creator of this project) doesn't overdo it. He adds in the proper amount of edits to evoke the feeling or push the audience into a realization and sometimes ends up pushing them into theories of the occurrences in the story. 

I find Marble Hornets to be a very good watch, kind of hard to get into but it has good editing, acting, and shooting that creates a comprehensive story that the viewer slowly figures out as the characters do. 

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