Thursday, May 9, 2013

web -35- Comcast II

I didn't even realize until today that Comcast now owns NBCuniversal. that would explain the unholy comcast peacock logo in the upper left. There's no real point for merging these identities. That's just overcomplicating their brand. What's even more disturbing is that they only one of NBC's networks so why in the world are they presenting themselves in this way?

This website is a little bit better than the Xfinity website actually showing more about the services that Comcast provides. The line that used to divide the two distint sites has been blurred in the recent years. Xfinity used to be the website that you would go to as a subscriber to comcast's services and get an inside look for being a member of their circle; Comcast the website used to be for new people to come in and check out the rates and different services they could get. These still somewhat remain true but they're not as concrete as they used to be years ago. The layout is still a bit atrocious there's no real hierarchy and things are just slapped into places.

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