Thursday, May 9, 2013

web -37- Spargos

Spargo's is a restaurant in the middle of downtown Manchester Maryland and possibly my favorite in the entire town. Their website looks like something that was created in Dreamweaver which sounds so weird but you can really tell when a website is designed vs slapped together by some Computer Science person who only knows the programming languages.

Everything is really clean, I would have liked to see a small version of the social network links in between the information in the footer. The purple also doesn't feel right for the atmosphere of the restaurant and the colors that they use on all of the menus and other items.

Other than that it's really nice.

web -36- Android

I don't think I'll ever get tired of Google's blank white website designs for their many colonies on the internet.

The green of their logo goes really well with the other bright colors, and the site itself is really clean. Android's site is actually one of the few sites that doesnt' look ridiculously blank.

web -35- Comcast II

I didn't even realize until today that Comcast now owns NBCuniversal. that would explain the unholy comcast peacock logo in the upper left. There's no real point for merging these identities. That's just overcomplicating their brand. What's even more disturbing is that they only one of NBC's networks so why in the world are they presenting themselves in this way?

This website is a little bit better than the Xfinity website actually showing more about the services that Comcast provides. The line that used to divide the two distint sites has been blurred in the recent years. Xfinity used to be the website that you would go to as a subscriber to comcast's services and get an inside look for being a member of their circle; Comcast the website used to be for new people to come in and check out the rates and different services they could get. These still somewhat remain true but they're not as concrete as they used to be years ago. The layout is still a bit atrocious there's no real hierarchy and things are just slapped into places.

web -34- Comcast I

It's starting to occur to me that websites made for major service providers all have pages that are slightly different in style for the different services available. That is why Comcast is going to be in two parts.This is Xfinity the website you get if you type in which is apparently different than which will come to you in the next part.

The entire thing once again has the look of a news site which is somewhat approprite for the site that stars phone, internet, and tv services. But honestly what do these ridiculous news stories have to do with the services that I'm paying you for? The only way I know this is even a website for a huge service provider that runs a monopoly over the east coast of the united states is the fact that there's a tiny side bar with links to some of their services on the left side.

Web -33- Verizon II (Wireless & Business)

When I mentioned the red in the color scheme earlier I was honestly remembering an older version of the Verizon website which used way more red than this one does. This is causing me to question whether or not this could be tied into the other portions of the website that do not have this red in the header area. The only thing I actually dislike about this page is the left body area from "welcome back" all the way down to the end of "my verizon  these are functions that are already available in the top navigation and could be hi lighted better there instead of having it in two locations. That's just a waste of horizontal page space that could be showing even more of the hi lights to the right of this bar.

Web -32- Verizon

Verizon is a tricky web site to critique because it's broken into three different style for the markets that they control. Their home and business pages rely more on the off white color with the reds used on top while the residential and wireless pages rely on white on red. I really like their home page which shows all of the services they provide which are clearly labeled to easily get to where you need to go. Even the pictures act like links to the pages which they represent which is a big plus for those that are more visual and pay more attention to pictures rather than text. For a simple home page that leads to the other branches of a corporation's identity Verizon is off to a good start.

web -31- Chrome

The website for Google Chrome specifically is about as empty as the main site itself. Google seems to have a very bland taste making all of their sites plain white. The image in the center of all of the internet capable devices is very nice and something that I find myself doing a lot of when I'm creating websites. Other than that it's clean and gets the job done.

web -30- Mozilla

Mozilla is  company that is responsible for one of the best web browsers available, but how does their website fair? Pretty well actually. The design of the site is very clean despite having a lot of text instead of being as visual that it could be. They have incorporated page scrolling gimmicks one pages such as the one announcing their move to creating a Firefox OS for phones.

Web -29- Australia Parliament

This is how you do a government website.The panorama shot in the header area is absolutely beautiful, and the black background with the grey in the center provides good contrast of the content area. The green and red separating the house and senate links adds a splash of complimentary color that brings life to the neutrals used throughout.

The area at the very bottom gets a little link heavy in the footer but that seems to be something that is unavoidable at least in the eyes of government sites.

Web -29- United Kingdom Parliament

In my whole escapade of critiquing government websites I felt like moving on to more web designs of other countries governments. The United Kingdom's Parliament website has a look of a typical news website that you see in the states. I like the use of colors behind the headers behind the objects at teh ver y bottom of this screencap, and would like to have seen that at the very top of the page too so there would be a reoccuring element.

You're probably wondering why there is so much grey to the right of the cap. Well the site is left aligned which makes reading it on a wider screen really awkward.

Web -28- The worst website

I had to learn about fine artists for my 2D design class and one of the artists I had to research was Diane Fenster. The information on her style and contribution to fine art was simple enough but once  Icame across her website I shuttered.

This website looks like absolute shit. The amazing part is it appears to have been made in Dreamweaver because of the style and layout of things but the colors and other asthetics make my eyes want to bleed. not to mention that every time you try to select text to paste it into microsoft word it also copys a black hilight instead of the text just being white on a black background. No that would  be too simple instead the stext is white, on a black background, also hilighted in black.