Wednesday, February 27, 2013

web -8- xkcd

XKCD is a fairly new website to me; I only started reading it a few months ago after remembering the name from a parody song called "we didn't start the flame war." 

The layout is as simple as the comic itself all of the boxes are stacked and placed to meet the same width, and the navigation placement compared to the title of the newest strip is exactly what I was thinking with Awkward Zombie. There is a convenient link to the comic at the bottom of each new strip so it can be shared throughout the web.

I'd really like to see a version of this site with the navigation included in the header instead of an awkward box on the side of it. There's also a lot of junk at the bottom of the screen which is a design principle that is well known in print, but pulls too much attention away on a website. In fact some of the stuff like "comics I enjoy" and RSS feed could be navigation links themselves instead of being in their own little spot on each page.

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