Saturday, February 16, 2013

Web - 3 - Tiedrich Design Group

I've anaylzed Jeff Tiedrich's work before on this blog, and now that I've moved into web design I want to take a look at some of his work. The problem is most of the websites he's created have since changed and the design group website seems a bit dated, but I will do my best to fairly look at this.

The website itself gives a very professional feeling from the color scheme to the navigation with each page cross fading into the next. The style itself is very contemporary with the left side navigation which is a bit dated at this point, but may be appealing to the more established clients that Tiedrich holds. Only two pieces are cut off from the navigation on the left which leaves me wondering if it could be condensed to fit on one vertical page length.

I think with an update or two could fix minor issues that make the website feel outdated.

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