Saturday, February 16, 2013

Web - 2 - By Hand Services

I decided to look into some of the work of one of Carroll's Adjunct graphics instructors, Sonya Hand who was the original staff member to teach this course before the instructor was changed. I was impressed with the website work.

This is her business website displaying a portfolio of all of her work. The entire website is very interactive and flows very well from one page to the next.

There is a small amount of lag on certain pages when you click an arrow to go to the next piece and some have text that does not come in from the left as it does on the other pages.Also everything is flash orientated so the back and forward arrows on your browser will take you to the previous website before entering By Hand Services in the upper right.

Otherwise this is a beautiful website and caught my interest in Sonya's work and will probably have an affect on my own portfolio site.

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