Thursday, October 24, 2013

Advanced Web - 11 - What the actual fuck Google?

I guess google's main site is simplistic enough that you can visit it from a phone and not have a problem but when I go to this is what coems up. Not a mobile version of a website but a website promoting the google apps for iOS and Android that actually looks better than the actual Google website. I have no idea if they're just so proud of their roots that they're afraid to go this direction for the main site but I like this a lot better, although the simplicity is what Google is liked for. It's where you choose what kind of search you want to do and then type in a word and get those results. You're not being barraged by information like "news" "weather" or stuff you'll never use *cough*Yahoo*cough*. This is just some little weird page on the internet that I was surprised to come across.

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