Saturday, September 14, 2013

Digital Video - 2 - You have to learn from your past

So as one of the few people in this class that has had video classes and experience it's obvious that I have a few pieces that aren't that great.

The segment with Hooper on the computer and phone was pretty well done, and the audio of Ryan was put in the background to add continuity. The improved line "this is the third time this week was also good. The cutaway to Ryan on the floor between Hooper shots was also nice.

Lack of variety in shots, no real use of lighting besides the first shot, focus on the product was lost after the first 12 seconds, there was a clear parody here of GEICO "can 15 minutes really save you 15%:" and that's okay but the joke was too drawn out, voice over audio and the first shot echo too much due to room size probably used a shotgun mic instead of pinning one to my shirt.

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