Saturday, September 28, 2013

Adv Web - 5 - Bahaviors in Dreamweaver

I'm going to try this when I can get back into the lab. I'm also going to check to see how many tutorials he has to expand my knowledge of Dreamweaver.

Adv Web - 4 - Apple interactive elements

Apple has been using a lot more of these changing elements in the center of their website that will lead you to more information on the product displayed there for a period of a few seconds. The inspection of the elements says that this is called a swap gallery and it's something that I have liked seeing on the internet for awhile but I was never sure about what it was. The navigation at the top of the screen also takes on the background color depending on this switch so somehow this is changing the very bottom most layer while the rest of the elements sit on top of it. I really want to find out more about this because it really shows something interesting in the styling of a website. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Digital Video - 9 - I only worked the audio here

This is my friend Kelsie's final from our time at the Carroll County Career and Technology Center. She worked a long time on this animation and my part was to help out during the animation phase but also I was put in charge of finding music to fit the video.

The music was Kevin Macleod and it took a lot of time and consideration to find music that fit the video well We actually went through quite a few songs but the ones that I presented after spending a few hours searching through music we decided on these and I synced them up to the video adding in the fads and transitions between songs with similar parts to them.

Digital Video - 8 - Educational Youtube

CGP Grey uses animation on top of explainations on complex matters but condenses them in time frames of around four minutes. His commentary is pretty good and the music is underlayed just well enough that it doesn't conflict with the commentary. The visuals are usually interesting and you can tell that a lot of pre production is performed for a video just as he says "a video can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years of planning.

Digital Video - 7 - Editing of multiple screen gaming

Chuggaaconroy is known on Youtube for his very informational commentary style and a very strong editing of videos and making of graphics and hiring his friend to help with custom layouts for his channels to make each LP like a brand of it's own.

You can see in his let's play of Kid Icarus uprising that he has to deal with the issue of there being information on the bottom screen which he solves by making it smaller in the left hand corner. He did something similar in his Okamiden Let's play where the screens switched based on what was happening but the bottom screen map was always shown in the right corner of the video player area.

Digital Video - 6 - Dan Brown does no jump cut

This video Dan tries not using jump cuts and begins explaining why he chooses to use them in his video and his reasoning behind the cuts that he does use. It shows that experimentation in video projects is important because while this was a struggle for him he figured out how important it was to have segments that were a bit longer and uninterrupted.

Digital Video - 5 - Jump Cut

Dan Brown known as Pogobat on Youtube is known for his editing style which usually contains constant music audio during the studio clips with jump cuts between segments of speech. You can see this very well after the introduction of "Dan Brown Universe"

What's interesting is that we usually think of jump cuts as bad continuity but Dan breaks that rule here and uses them as a stylistic choice and to give him time between pieces to think of what the next part of the video will be.

Digital Video - 4 - Editing of commentary

One of my favorite Youtubers is Raocow because of his off the wall commentary which is in contrast to lpers like Chuggaaconroy who have to know and relay every interesting details about a series. Raocow occasionally speeds up or "chipmunks" them. He even <trope>Lampshades</trope> the fact that this segment is going to be chipmunked.

The decision behind this is tht there is no new content but the segment too short for there to be a cut and would look weird because this run shows the completion of the level. It's an interesting little piece of his style that has been showing for the entire run of his lping career.

Adv Web - 3 - Meeting to redesign Carroll's website

Yesterday we attended the meeting with the marketing team regarding the redesign of Carroll's website.

It was a very relaxed meeting probably so because they knew that they were dealing with students but by the end we had proved that we have professional opinions that matter. It was very interesting that by the end of the meeting we were actually critiquing the original website on the projector.

I took a few notes on the contents of the meeting. But may students that weren't part of our design class spoke on the lack of branding with the other information that we sent out about our school.

Overall I feel that the meeting was successful and I was interesting in attending more meetings about this important point in Carroll's history.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Adv Web - 2 - Crash Course

Crash Course hosted by John and Hank Green has a pretty unique logo as seen above surrounded by a cluster of other things, but in the videos this logo becomes customized and animated to meet the topic of the video that it is displayed in.

It can be seen at the 20 second mark of this video.

This goes to show that not only can animated logos be interesting but they can be tweaked and customized to meet the different needs of different parts of an overall brand. Now the downside to this is that you could risk changing a logo in the naimated to the point where it becomes too unique to be tied back to the original, but you have the opportunity to create these sub brands and an overall stronger product image.

Digital Video - 3 - You have to learn from your past 2: Electric Boogaloo.

This one is even older than the last one.

The title at the beginning was okay, good recovery from unseen complications like the missing folder scene, good music choice.

Lighting (okay we weren't allowed to use lighting equipment but still), scenes dragged on way too long,  no cut away to show how close to 8:15 we were, camara shakes at ends of certain shots no padding was given, continuity sucks.

I can't say much because this was my first real edited video but it's still pretty bad.

Digital Video - 2 - You have to learn from your past

So as one of the few people in this class that has had video classes and experience it's obvious that I have a few pieces that aren't that great.

The segment with Hooper on the computer and phone was pretty well done, and the audio of Ryan was put in the background to add continuity. The improved line "this is the third time this week was also good. The cutaway to Ryan on the floor between Hooper shots was also nice.

Lack of variety in shots, no real use of lighting besides the first shot, focus on the product was lost after the first 12 seconds, there was a clear parody here of GEICO "can 15 minutes really save you 15%:" and that's okay but the joke was too drawn out, voice over audio and the first shot echo too much due to room size probably used a shotgun mic instead of pinning one to my shirt.

Digital Video - 1- Outtakes

This may look like I'm just dicking around on YouTube but outtakes are an important part of the production phase. It's inevitable that you're eventually going to screw up and it's okay. This is something that I've had to learn first hand in my video production courses. Even a simple four minute video can have something like half an hour of footage and stuff that just isn't good enough to make the final cut. The production phase takes a lot of time and proper planning should be completed beforehand in pre-production so that recovery from mistakes can be as quick as possible.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Adv. Web - 1 - Where do we see animated logos?

When you think about an animated logo you can almost think of many that you've seen in your life time but where are these seen? A majority of the animated logos that you see aren't actually done directly on web applications but more as part of a larger video or flash project as kind of an introduction.

The Pixar logo is a really well known but overlooked animated logo. It's simple, gets the job done, but it's mostly seen at the start of one of their films but not on their own website where only the original word is displayed. Animated gifs have been available since the late 80s and Macromedia Flash (now Adobe Flash) was formally released in 1996. So where exactly are animated logos if the capability has been around for decades?