Friday, February 22, 2013

Web- 5 - YouTube user pages

With each new redesign YouTube seems to limit the customization for the average user more and more, but for the advanced user the cleaner look can provide a plethora of different design options. 


On the left is Chuggaaconroy's channel who is video game Let's Player known in real life as Emile and on the right is StephenVlog which is a vlog channel for Stephen Georg. Both Emile and Stephen are YouTube partners.

Emile has his friend Chris make channel layouts to correspond with the current LP content, while Stephen uses a very simplistic and static design across all of his channels. Each one makes good use of customization options and adds in links that are integrated into the backgrounds themselves. They also find a way to work around the content area in the center that YouTube does not allow much customization for.

Now while Emile's channel is cut off a bit because it is created for a higher resolution both still show what possibilities there are to customize the design of individual YouTube channel pages, and show why losing this customization would be detrimental to the users and content creators.

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