Thursday, August 30, 2012

Typography - 2 - Unexcpected inspirtation

It's weird how things can inspire you in ways that don't really seem like they should have. After figuring out I was going to do two gears, on a solid object the other made of the text naming the bands and other information; I needed to look up a reference of gears because, let's face it I can't draw them very well at all.

That's when I stumbled upon this

It was not only a great reference for understanding the shape and how gears interact, but it also gave me a color scheme that was simple, had good contrast, and wouldn't be costly to use at all. I've decided that the solid object gear in my design is going to be a metallic gray, while the gear make up of the band names, and other concert information is going to be a dark blood red. Big thanks to Willie for suggesting that I make the red darker. With a white background these colors will pop out drawing attention not only to the piece, but the crucial information.

Typography- 1- Pure type only

I'm looking up posters and it's kind of interesting how most posters either incorporate heavy graphics and smart typography use, or rely on a gimmick that's so strong they become almost unreadable and impractical. We're trying to keep Project 1 more of a "purely type" kind of poster, so removing a support beam as strong as visual stimulating graphics really causes you to think on your toes a bit more about how you're using your text.

Design - 1 - Iconic image icon

I've been trying to figure out the most iconic landmark or attraction in Osaka Japan. The easiest way to figure this out was to compare what was listed highest on their sight seeing points and what came up most frequently on Google.

Osaka Castle is everywhere, and yes the results are almost the same if you add "Japan" afterwards.This is helpful though because it seems like more people would recognize Osaka Castle as the landmark of interest; If I use it in my logo for the letterhead project it'll make the whole design more recognizable as a piece for this specific location.