Saturday, September 22, 2012

Design - 8 - Proud Designer- Poor Designer

This is the website I found the red and grey world typography piece. I took some time to look at their website and it's just terrible. First off the menu bar scrolls with the page covering information and anything. At least this is the case with everything but the one part that says what with the same orange color, which makes no sense at all. Then there's this-

Yes..."good design just works," except it seems that you don't know anything about good design. Your website is difficult to read and just ridiculous. The websites you've made for clients use the same bad design, and even your saying of "good design just works" is flawed because your leading is so small that it causes overlapping, compromising readability. Not to mention the arrows that look like they should collapse menus don't do anything except highlight when hovered. You have to click the actual word all the way to the right which still highlights the arrow which does nothing. I'm not the usual type of person to rant about these situations, but this impudence is just embarrassing.

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